The most complete
information guide about Athens, Greece
Lesser Gods
Boreas: Boreas was the purple winged God of the north wind and of winter,
snow and ice. He was controlled by Aeolus. After he married
Oreithyia he protected Athens. This cold and boulders god scattered a Persian fleet that was attacking the city. This
immortal had two faces: one looking forward and one looking
Eos: Eos was the goddess of the dawn. She was the daughter of the
Titans Theia and Hyperion. Her children were the star and winds
of the morning: Zephyors, Boreas, Notos and Euros. From her
island home of Aiaia, in the river Okeanos, she rose up into
the sky each morning in a golden chariot drawn by winged horses
scattering the dark mists of the night with her rosy brilliance.
She loved youth and especially appreciated those who engaged
in hunting and warfare. To the Romans she was known as Aurora.
Hades: Hades was the King of the Underworld and the god of the mineral
wealth of the earth. In the division of the world amongst
the three sons of Kronos he inherited the dark realms of Erebos,
while his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, won the sky and the
sea respectively. The Greeks had many names for Haides for
they feared to invoke this terrible god by calling out his
true name. Haides
was depicted as a dark-bearded god holding the great horn
of plenty or enthroned and holding an eagle-tipped sceptre.
Hebe: Hebe, known to the Romans as Juventas, was the daughter of Zeus
and Hera. The goddess of youth, she could restore youth to the
aged. She filled the cups of the gods until Ganymedes became
the cupbearer. Heracles became her husband after his apotheosis
into a god and she bore him two sons.
Hecate: Hecate, the underworld goddess of witchcraft, was the only child
of the Titans Perses and Asteria. From her parents she inherited
powers over the earth, sea and heavens. She assisted Demeter
in her search for Persephone and after their reunion became
Persephone's minister and companion in Hades. She was closely
associated with Eleusinian mysteries. Hecate
was usually depicted in vase paintings holding two torches.
In statuary she was sometimes depicted in triple form. She was
also known as Perseis.
Iris: Iris was the winged goddess of the rainbow and the
messenger of the Olympian gods. She was depicted as a young
woman with golden wings and an associated's
rod and/or a pitcher in her hand. Farmers paid tribute to
her for lifting water from lakes or streams to the clouds
so it could fall again to water their crops. Also called
Thaumantias, she was the sister of the Harpies.
Muses: The Muses were the nymphs of the springs
on Mount Helikon and Mount Parnassos. The waters of these springs
were the source of artistic inspiration. These nymphs became
the patron goddesses of music, poetry and the other fine arts. The Muses were also called Pierides. Their
artistic collections were the first "museums." The
Muses with their respective areas of interest were:
heroic poetry
song and oratory
love songs
Nike: Nike, who carried a wreath toward to the victor in a battle
or contest, was the goddess of Victory. Wings enabled this youthful
goddess to fly down to earth to guide the victorious side. The
most famous image of her is a statue in the Louvre. She was
also known as Victoria. She sided with Zeus in the Titan War
and became his constant companion.
Persephone: In her youth
Persephone was hidden away from the gods by her mother Demeter
but Zeus found her hiding place and seduced her in the form
of a serpent. Zeus then promised her to Haides as his bride,
and so the infernal god seized her upon the plains of Sicily
and abducted her to the dark realms.
Her mother, Demeter, was in despair at her disappearance and
searched the world for her missing daughter with Hekate as companion.
Upon discovering her whereabouts and Zeus' duplicity in her
rape, the goddess in a rage refused to let the crops grow until
her daughter was returned to her. Zeus consented but as Persephone
had tasted the food of Haides - a handful of pomegranate seeds
- she was forced to forever spend a part of the year, winter,
with her husband in the underworld.
Themis: Themis was the
wise and honest daughter of Uranos and Gaea. She was the goddess
responsible for upholding rights in human affairs. The scales
in her left hand represented fairness. The sword and chain in
her right hand were symbols of severely enforced justice. Even
Zeus trusted Themis' advice. Themis was the goddess who presided
over the feasts of the gods on Olympos. She was also known as
Zephyrus: Zephyrus, the west wind, is
a gentle and benevolent force who brings the mild, wet spring
weather. His mother is Eos and his wife is Iris, goddess of
the Rainbow. He fell in love with Hyacinthus. When Apollo successfully
courted her, Zephyrus sought revenge. Zephyrus redirected a
discus thrown by Apollo so that it hit and killed Hyacinthus.
Zephyrus was the winner in a rivalry with Boreas for the affection
of Chloris (Flora).