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This quartz, belonging to the chalcedony family, comes in a wide range of colors and is often variegated and banded. Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. Agates are considered very powerful stones. They are also very calming and soothing to the emotions.
A green or blue-green member of the feldspar clan. Inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self-love, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. Held to the third eye (middle of forehead), amazonite unlocks psychic vision.

Solidified and petrified sap from a pine tree. Its color is golden or amber. Amber brings romantic love, purification, wisdom, energy and balance. It enhances patience, altruism, strength, calmness, healing, remembrance of past lives and ancient knowledge. This gentle stone draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart as well. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge.



Quartz. Ranges in color from violet to dark purple. Amethyst is associated with increased nobility, spiritual awareness, meditation, balance, psychic abilities, inner peace, healing and positive transformation. This stone brings an understanding of death and rebirth and relieves stress. Amethyst is a teacher of all things spiritual, mystic and psychic. The stone is very healing for body, mind and soul.


Quartz. Ranges in color from golden brown to green. Enhances creativity, imagination, independence, prosperity, career success, calmness and balance. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Green aventurine is considered to be especially healing of mind and body.



Quartz. A dark green chalcedony with red flecks. Also called heliotrope. Brings rain, abundance, alignment, organization, smooth energy flow, generosity, idealism, good fortune and purification. Aids circulation, all purpose healer & cleanser, stomach & bowel pain, purifies bloodstream, bladder, strengthens blood purifying organs. It is good to keep a bloodstone in any place that needs its energy cleansed.



Quartz. A form of chalcedony. Its color is reddish-orange or brown. Carnelian is linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall. This stone calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life. Grounding, stimulates curiosity & initiative, focuses attention to the present moment.
Quartz. Usually gray, but may also be brown, black, blue or white. Augments emotional balance, vitality, stamina, endurance, energy, intensity, hardiness, nurturance, generosity, liveliness, kindness, charity and friendliness.
Also known as mercury. Usually red. Helps us to be vigorous, forceful, impelling and energetic. Excellent for those who need to be more assertive.



A golden yellow quartz. Augments happiness, prosperity, generosity, creativity, pleasure, protection, strength, alignment, confidence, stability, moderation, energy, comfort, career success, truth, goodness, warmth, digestion, assimilation, enjoyment of life and spiritual growth. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. Heart, kidney, liver & muscle healer; appendicitis; gangrene; red & white corpuscles; digestive tract; cleanses vibrations in the atmosphere; creativity; helps personal clarity; will bring out problems in the solar plexus & the heart; eliminates self-destructive tendencies.



Coral is formed from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures. White coral is linked with balance, relaxation, protection, safe travel on water, appreciation of nature and emotional balance. Pink coral is associated with platonic love, friendship and community. Red coral promotes creativity, passion, romantic love, wisdom, optimism and enthusiasm. Black coral grants serenity and peace while absorbing negative energy.


Commonly white, yellow, blue, green, purple or a mixture of these colors. Fluorite fosters truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection. Blue fluorite calms the emotions. Purple fluorite increases spiritual balance and mystic visions. Yellow fluorite nurtures wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. White fluorite builds purity of spirit. Fluorite is a very protective stone, especially offering psychic protection.



A silicate mineral. A variety of colors, the most popular being red or green. Red garnet inspires romantic love, passion, sensuality, sexuality, intimacy, positive thoughts, inspiration, energy, past life recall, career success, social popularity and self confidence. Helps us become more productive and achievement-oriented. Green garnet augments peace, serenity, meditation, creativity, healing, purification, patience and clarity of thought.
An iron ore. Reddish, gray or black. Hematite enhances focus, concentration, will-power, reliability, courage, confidence, optimism, trust, balance and stability. This stone has been traditionally considered to have a beneficial effect on legal situations.
Snowy white, sometimes with brown or black veins. Rarely clear. Fosters appreciation of beauty, inspiration, creativity and artistic expression.



Most often green but can come in a variety of colors. All jade augments longevity, fertility, serenity, wisdom, practicality, tranquility, balance, peace, harmony, moderation, perspective, equilibrium and stability. This is a stone that helps us understand our dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with the laws of nature and spirit. Black jade offers protection from negativity and fosters the wise use of power. Blue jade inspires meditation. Butterfat jade brings relaxation. Lavender jade inspires love, optimism and beauty. Orange jade enhances energy and protection. White jade fosters practical application of spirituality. Yellow jade is linked with assimilation, digestion, understanding and empathy.


Quartz. Red, yellow or brown chalcedony. Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, tranquility, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle endings. This stone is good for those who need more organizational abilities.


A form of coal. The color is black. Jet fosters nobility, honor, decency, justice, goodness, protection, optimism, emotional balance, courteousness, happiness, benevolence, confidence, transformation, positive growth, courage and leadership abilities. This stone encourages us to stay centered in all situations.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Also known as Lapis or Lazulite The color is dark blue with gold flecks. Lapis Lazuli is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, positive magic, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, an appreciation of mystery, psychic ability and tranquility. This stone is also considered strengthening to mind and body. Lapis lazuli allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts. Helps us contact our spirit guardians.



A green metallic mineral. Comes in varying shades of green and is often banded. Augments loyalty, leadership ability, protection. subconscious wisdom, comfort, balance, peace, sensitivity, emotional maturity. inner clarity, self-understanding, positive transformation and healing. This stone reflects the feelings of these who wear it. It also promotes purification and healing dreams as well as drawing out negative energy



Feldspar. Usually milky with a bluish or yellowish tint. Moonstones foster happiness, good fortune, nurturing, mothering, unselfishness, humanitarian love, hope, spiritual insight, easy childbirth, safe travel on water, new beginnings, abundance and ancient wisdom. This stone gets us in touch with our feelings and is linked with the moon. It is best to attune its energies to the moon's phases. Moonstone is protective of women and nature and is a sacred stone of the moon goddess.



Formed when lava is quickly cooled. Black obsidian brings purification, transformation, inner growth, fulfillment, metamorphoses, manifestation, introspection, practicality, psychic ability and the correct use of inner power. This stone exposes our rationalizations and illusions about ourselves. Golden obsidian increases self-control and is useful for habit-breaking. Mahogany obsidian promotes acceptance of our sensuality and sexuality . Snowflake obsidian keeps us balanced during times of change.


Quartz. Usually black or brown with white bands. A type of Chalcedony. This stone promotes increased vigor, strength, stamina, constancy, steadfastness, permanence , tenacity, firmness, durability and self-control. Valuable in difficult or confusing times of our lives. Also used as a heart, kidney, nerve, capillary, hair, eye and nail strengthener.



Quartz. Wide rage of colors. Opals foster love, passion, loyalty, faithfulness, emotional expressiveness, warmth, spontaneity and dramatic ability. Also associated with peace, and consciousness. Sometimes considered unlucky, but this is only because modern people fear their emotional side. A very emotionally responsive stone. Black opal promotes cosmic awareness and oceanic consciousness. Boulder opal foster creativity and originality. Fire opal inspires dynamic energy and intensity. Sonoma opal induces emotional stability. White opal enhances competency and efficiency.
Inspires purity, honesty, innocence, integrity, concentration, focus, meditation, serenity, tranquility and wisdom. Helps us get in touch with the simple honest things of life. Eliminates emotional imbalances; helps one master the heart chakra; aids stomach, spleen, intestinal tract & ulcer problems.


Yellow-green, olive-green, brown. Also known as olivine or chrysolite. Inspires healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. It alleviates anger, jealousy and irritation. It is associated with stress reduction, relaxation, health vigor, recuperative abilities, comfort and intuition. Especially good for healing the healers. Helps liver & adrenal function.
Petrified wood
Petrified wood
Fossilized tees. Grays, reds, browns. Associated with stability, security, strength, longevity, grounding, calmness and wisdom. Helps us communicate with trees. Teaches us to respect old people and ancient knowledge.
Rose or peach-colored, with white band. Healing, comfort, harmony, amity and friendship. Promotes smooth energy flow, emotional expressiveness, kindness, tolerance, compassion and self love. Helps us live our spiritual beliefs.
Red with black inclusions. Brings calmness, self-confidence, refinement, gratefulness, elegance, delicacy, courtesy, tact, alternatives and inner path. Helps us reach our full potential. Teaches us to see both sides of the issue.

Rose quartz

Rose quartz

Pink. Enhances all forms of love: self-love, mother love, caring, kindness, platonic and romantic live. Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle love into our lives. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance. Lymphatic cancer & circulatory problems; helps the psychologically inflexible.
Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz
Brown, black or smoky gray. Fosters serenity, calmness, positive thoughts; calms fears; lifts depression. Also associated with stability, practicality, intuition, pride, joy and a realistic, grounded spirituality. Helps us turn our wishes, dreams and desires into reality. Helps us tap subconscious wisdom. Teaches us to simplify our lives and always to live in a sacred manner.

Deep blue with white streaks and flecks. Encourages rational thinking, logic, intelligence, emotional balance, intuition, higher knowledge, clarity, truth and perception. Fosters knowledge, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom. This stone helps us unite the logical with the spiritual.
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye
Quartz. A brown chalcedony with gold highlights. Enhances protection, clear thinking, personal empowerment, integrity, willpower, practicality, grounding and integration of spirit with worldly energy. Also associated with the correct use of power, courage, grace and the ability to see clearly and without illusion. Integrates male and female energy within us. Red tiger's eye teaches us to be energetic in a very composed, serene way.


Blue topaz inspires leadership ability, psychic knowing, spiritual growth, tranquility and psychic insight. Clear topaz helps us communicate with Devas (nature spirits) and with all the animals and plants of the earth. Golden topaz builds generosity, happiness, humor, optimism, creativity, wisdom, inspiration, abundance and love. It also attracts love to us and teaches us about spiritual love. Green topaz guides us towards forgiveness and understanding. Pink topaz promotes honor and truth.



Wide color range. Enhances flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance, and understanding. Excellent channeling stone for communication with higher forces. Blue tourmaline is also known as indicolite or indigolit. It is linked with peace, balance, eloquence and emotional purification. Colorless tourmaline (achroite) brings contact with angelic realm. Black tourmaline protects us from negative energy. Brown tourmaline encourages stability and practicality. Green tourmaline is said to foster prosperity, success, general healing, strength, purification and communication. Yellow tourmaline brings heightened intelligence and spiritual awareness. Violet tourmaline inspires meditation. Pink tourmaline attunes us to love and opens the heart. Multi-colored tourmaline teach us to live harmoniously with the whole range of humanity.
Master healer; protects against environmental pollutants; strengthens anatomy & guards against all disease; improved absorption of nutrients; tissue regeneration; subtle body alignment & strengthening; eye disorders.

    Gemstone properties
    Amber properties
    Organic properties
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